Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
It may all be in your telomeres. A new book co-authored by a 2009 Nobel Prize winner says that those shoelace-looking things at the end of your chromosomes determine how and when you begin to show signs of aging. They may be why some people look and behave younger than others who are chronologically the same age.
The book written by Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn (also on the Scientists' Board at Shaklee Corp.) and psychologist Elissa Epel detail ways average Joes and Janes can protect their telomeres-- and possibly feel better. The book is "The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer."
Dr. Blackburn won the nobel prize for her work showing the role of telomeres in disease and aging. Telomeres protects the genetic material inside your DNA. People with longer telomeres have lower death rates from cancers and some diseases, but these telomeres tend to shorten as we age. Certain lifestyle factors also speed up their shortening.
If you would like the article, let me know and I will email it to you. Also, I can send you a catalog with a product that keeps your telomeres from shortening. www.healthyhabtistoday.net and leave your contact information. This is exciting news. Call me Sunshine!
Sunday, January 22, 2017
How do you want to spend your time?
I have been blogging about New Year's resolutions and wanted to know how everyone is doing with these resolutions. You know; further your career, lose weight, do more volunteering and all those other resolutions that by February our resolve runs out of gas, we stall and then stop thinking about it.
Maybe looking at the heart of it will help the list linger a little longer. The real point is to ask ourselves: "How do you want to spend your time"? Time makes no promises to any of us.
Helen Keller reminds us of that when she describes life prior to the illness that took away her vision and hearing. " One brief spring, musical with the song of robin and mockingbird, one summer rich in fruit and roses, one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager, delighted child," she said. "Then, in February, came the illness that closed my eyes and ears."
How would you spend your time if you knew 2017 would be your last time you would enjoy our beloved four seasons or even hear a bird sing as carefree as you now know?
When you read these words by Helen Keller, it touches your heart and you want to weep for that little girl that sight and sound were taken away. How selfish we have become in our society includes me also that we take things for granted and that we are going to live forever! Ask yourself, How do you want to spend your time?
(Thank you Patrica Cosner Kubic, article in News Herald paper, for your words of such wisdom) Call me Sunshine.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
What do you think about when you see the title of this blog? Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, quoted those words.
Have you been thinking about exercising but say I don't have time? Have you been thinking about losing 10 lbs. but just are too busy? How about spending more time with your family or your significant other? So many things we think about and say I am going do that as soon as I have enough time or how about enough money.
I have talked to a number of people who would like to lose weight. Shaklee has a great weight loss program and it is very successful and clinically tested. Just a few changes in your lifestyle can be a change for your eating habits. I have been successful with the program and now am working on just changing my way of thinking about food.
If you have friends or relatives that have talked about losing weight or just feeling better, give them my website: www.healthyhabitstoday.net and they can check out the program. There is an excellent video about Jacquie McCoy from the Biggest Loser Tv program and her journey on losing weight. I look forward to talking you about the time will never be just right so why wait. We are all on this journey so why not be the best you can be. Call me Sunshine! (wish we had some today)😎 How is this for positive thinking?
Monday, January 16, 2017
I have been posting about changes in 2017 and how to get started. The next step will be how to
make those changes. Stay tuned.
1. Resolve to get physically fit - When you are physically fit, you can deal with work stress
more calmly especially if you change jobs or your present position gets pulled out from
under you. When you are in-shape and have an energetic appearance, it will do wonders
when you are looking to get promoted or land a new job. Eating healthy and having a
normal workout regimen will make you feel better period.
2. Resolve to get spiritually fit - The mind-body balance helps you stay centered when ever
life gets rocky. It can help you get rid of that nagging voice of doubt that sometimes causes
all of us to stumble. Consider meditation or read some books by Deepak Chopra on
spirituality and mind-body medicine. Maybe talking to someone for direction or hiring
a professional life coach. You may find out that what is keeping you stalled in your life
whether personal or career isn't about work at all, but something else in your life.
3. Resolve to get financially fit - When you have economic stability, you can be more at ease
in choosing the type and amount of work you want to do. When you are out of shape finan-
cially, the first exercise is to chart a budget. Get the big picture of income, debt and savings.
Ask yourself, where can I trim expenses so I can save more? Have an emergency savings
fund. Example which could be a little extreme: on one of the news stations, a woman saved
$27,000 in a year just by not spending anything on herself for the year. How did she do this?
She allotted so much money for herself, $6.00 a day but no spending on clothes, etc. and she
saved $27,000. I guess the gist of this is, ask yourself do I really need the item or do I want
the item in question.
Good luck and blessings with your resolutions! Hope this helps! I myself am taking a good
look at what I am doing. Call me Sunshine! healthyhabitstoday.net
Sunday, January 15, 2017
When all is said and done about the excitement of the holidays, many experience the crash into
the winter post-holiday blues. You know what we have done, late night sleep, overindulging, maybe even the rushing of wanting to get everything done. This is to name a few.
Living in Michigan without sunlight and frigid temperatures and adding less outdoor activity can lead to some "down" feelings. Here are some suggestions (by Susan Kozak, as printed in the News Herald newspaper):
1. Plan a few fun activities - Take up a hobby, have a Valentine's Day party, organize for spring. The New Year is a great time to plan activities and get off that sofa and have some FUN!
2. Get Rest - Many of us are exhausted after the holidays and it is important to get back into a
regular sleep pattern. Enjoy a warm bath or shower, put on your PJs and just relax before
bed. No TV news program. Remember we want to relax!
3. Make healthy choices - We do indulge at holiday time, maybe not all of us but some. You
can have some spikes in your insulin and it can lead to being irritable also your immune system can be compromised. Don't want to get a cold or flu. Eat well including your leafy
green veggies and don't forget to EXCERISE as that will boost your endorphins which can have a positive impact on your mood.
4. Avoid the rut - you may not feel like socializing but just interacting with friends and family
can make a big difference in combating the winter blues. If you don't get back in your
regular routine, you may need to talk to a medical professional.
Remember to prioritize your health and overall wellness, not only in January but you need
to work on your lifestyle change all year long. Just call me Sunshine! healthyhabitstoday.net
When all is said and done about the excitement of the holidays, many experience the crash into
the winter post-holiday blues. You know what we have done, late night sleep, overindulging, maybe even the rushing of wanting to get everything done. This is to name a few.
Living in Michigan without sunlight and frigid temperatures and adding less outdoor activity can lead to some "down" feelings. Here are some suggestions (by Susan Kozak, as printed in the News Herald newspaper):
1. Plan a few fun activities - Take up a hobby, have a Valentine's Day party, organize for spring. The New Year is a great time to plan activities and get off that sofa and have some FUN!
2. Get Rest - Many of us are exhausted after the holidays and it is important to get back into a
regular sleep pattern. Enjoy a warm bath or shower, put on your PJs and just relax before
bed. No TV news program. Remember we want to relax!
3. Make healthy choices - We do indulge at holiday time, maybe not all of us but some. You
can have some spikes in your insulin and it can lead to being irritable also your immune system can be compromised. Don't want to get a cold or flu. Eat well including your leafy
green veggies and don't forget to EXCERISE as that will boost your endorphins which can have a positive impact on your mood.
4. Avoid the rut - you may not feel like socializing but just interacting with friends and family
can make a big difference in combating the winter blues. If you don't get back in your
regular routine, you may need to talk to a medical professional.
Remember to prioritize your health and overall wellness, not only in January but you need
to work on your lifestyle change all year long. Just call me Sunshine! healthyhabitstoday.net
Thursday, January 12, 2017
How did you get to the place where you are right now? Weight comes on one lb. at a time. We want immediate results. We want change right away.
To get stronger will power, we have to accept our reality as this starting point. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Had to put in this bible verse because it is all powerful. You want to have the belief that you can do this.
Looking at your weight right now, just accept it and love yourself for the person you are. Take it one step at a time. I posted on Facebook to stop drinking soda and no more desserts. That is a big step.
Keeping track of what you are eating daily is another step to take. Shaklee 180 is an excellent weight loss program and easy to follow. What is the most important thing about the 180 is it is a forever lifestyle change. No more dieting or feeling bad about yourself. We all can step out of our comfort zone and do the things necessary to become healthier and feeling more energetic.
For more information, contact me, 313-928-4592 or email, tomharriet@aol.com
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
My specialty in writing is all about health. That is the reason our company is called "Healthy Habits." Well, today I am writing about how to be happy. There is no magic pill for this.
Hoping these suggestions by one of my favorite people, Dale Carnegie, will be a real help to you.
Do you know that you can be happy by just making up your mind-- and sticking to it--that you are going to be happy? Happiness depends upon your state of mind, not upon your possessions or your achievement. First, you must insist upon creating your own philosophy of life. Don't let what another says or does affect you to the degree that he or she is influencing your beliefs.
Second, when you are feeling unhappy, take a walk on a beautiful day, to some beautiful spot. Think of the loveliness around you. If you do this, you cannot be wholly unhappy at the moment. And that moment may set your pattern for the day, or the week, or the month, or for life.
Third, read a beautiful poem, listen to beautiful music.
Fourth (and this will be one of the most potent INFLUENCES), do a kind deed for someone else.
Fifth, if you are a woman, see that your house is in order, add to its tidiness and beauty.
Sixth, keep as healthy as possible. You don't have to let develop such ailments as the various forms of rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, high blood pressure and others that can become chronic. If you do, you are being careless with yourself.
Seventh, get a hobby. Make that hobby something you have always been interested in.
Have a happy day and a happy life! It is up to you. Remember, no one else can make you happy! www.healthyhabitstoday.net
My specialty in writing is all about health. That is the reason our company is called "Healthy Habits." Well, today I am writing about how to be happy. There is no magic pill for this.
Hoping these suggestions by one of my favorite people, Dale Carnegie, will be a real help to you.
Do you know that you can be happy by just making up your mind-- and sticking to it--that you are going to be happy? Happiness depends upon your state of mind, not upon your possessions or your achievement. First, you must insist upon creating your own philosophy of life. Don't let what another says or does affect you to the degree that he or she is influencing your beliefs.
Second, when you are feeling unhappy, take a walk on a beautiful day, to some beautiful spot. Think of the loveliness around you. If you do this, you cannot be wholly unhappy at the moment. And that moment may set your pattern for the day, or the week, or the month, or for life.
Third, read a beautiful poem, listen to beautiful music.
Fourth (and this will be one of the most potent INFLUENCES), do a kind deed for someone else.
Fifth, if you are a woman, see that your house is in order, add to its tidiness and beauty.
Sixth, keep as healthy as possible. You don't have to let develop such ailments as the various forms of rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, high blood pressure and others that can become chronic. If you do, you are being careless with yourself.
Seventh, get a hobby. Make that hobby something you have always been interested in.
Have a happy day and a happy life! It is up to you. Remember, no one else can make you happy! www.healthyhabitstoday.net
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Optimism is making a New Year's resolution to eat healthier. Realism is a fridge full of kale that nobody wants. You're more likely to stay motivated when it comes to eating healthy if you focus on consuming the good stuff you actually, you know, ENJOY, according to a Baylor University study.
"Make your favorite foods--like berries or broccoli--staples of your diet, rather than forcing yourself to eat things that make you miserable. Your diet will be more successful, says study author Meredith David, Ph.D.
My comment is view weight loss as a lifestyle change not a diet. Replace certain foods with healthier choices. Every time you look at a temptation, think of what you are giving up for maybe to be healthier and enjoy your children and grandchildren or how about you just like skinny jeans and want to wear them again! Food for thought! Good choices I hope!
Optimism is making a New Year's resolution to eat healthier. Realism is a fridge full of kale that nobody wants. You're more likely to stay motivated when it comes to eating healthy if you focus on consuming the good stuff you actually, you know, ENJOY, according to a Baylor University study.
"Make your favorite foods--like berries or broccoli--staples of your diet, rather than forcing yourself to eat things that make you miserable. Your diet will be more successful, says study author Meredith David, Ph.D.
My comment is view weight loss as a lifestyle change not a diet. Replace certain foods with healthier choices. Every time you look at a temptation, think of what you are giving up for maybe to be healthier and enjoy your children and grandchildren or how about you just like skinny jeans and want to wear them again! Food for thought! Good choices I hope!
Monday, January 9, 2017
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Now that we are entering a new year, how about taking a look at our diets. I know that is a bad word but you know where are you going to live when your body wears out!
People who drank one or more cans of diet soda every day for NINE YEARS added 3.2 inches to their waistlines versus only 0.8 inches for people who did not drink diet soda. People who drank diet soda only occasionally expanded their waits by 1.8 inches.
Before you take that next diet soda, think about this. This was published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Remember us, we can help you release that extra weight you have been carrying around for awhile. Visit our website: www.healthyhabitstoday.net
Now that we are entering a new year, how about taking a look at our diets. I know that is a bad word but you know where are you going to live when your body wears out!
People who drank one or more cans of diet soda every day for NINE YEARS added 3.2 inches to their waistlines versus only 0.8 inches for people who did not drink diet soda. People who drank diet soda only occasionally expanded their waits by 1.8 inches.
Before you take that next diet soda, think about this. This was published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Remember us, we can help you release that extra weight you have been carrying around for awhile. Visit our website: www.healthyhabitstoday.net
Thursday, January 5, 2017
What Changes are in store for you in 2017???
Have you made your resolutions on what you want in 2017? Have you thought about what you did in 2016? What's ahead for you in 2017? These are big questions or are you like some of us who just says ahh, the heck with it, I will just go day to day, come what may!
It's time to do a personal inventory. I did think at one time that New Year's Eve was an evening of party time, dressing up, maybe even dancing away the evening. One year I realized that maybe just maybe New Year's Eve is the time to reflect on what has happened in the year that is leaving us. Was it a great year or was it just so-so?
It is time for a change if you want that change to happen. Maybe it is to get more organized, that's a biggie. How about losing or should I say releasing that 10 lbs. that has been haunting us for awhile? Someone once said to me don't say lose the weight, release it because if you lose it, you may find it but when you release it, it is GONE! Yeah!! How about working on our attitude, to remain more positive and looking at life as a glass half full not half empty!
I am looking at releasing 10 lbs. in 2017 and I am serious this time. No more excuses! How am I going to do this? I have a helper who is going to be with me during my journey to feeling more healthy and looking more fit. Do you want join me in this venture? Leucine is one of my partners and I am happy that they are on board. Want to know more, visit my website: www.healthyhabitstoday.net, leave your contact information and receive a free healthprint that will help you check out your health profile and what changes need to be made. Also check out the 180 program for weight loss. This is not the miracle of overnight weight loss. Don't we want lasting success? Don't we want products that work? Don't we want real results from real people and their successes? Waiting to hear from you. Join me for some fun when something is lost - WEIGHT!
Have you made your resolutions on what you want in 2017? Have you thought about what you did in 2016? What's ahead for you in 2017? These are big questions or are you like some of us who just says ahh, the heck with it, I will just go day to day, come what may!
It's time to do a personal inventory. I did think at one time that New Year's Eve was an evening of party time, dressing up, maybe even dancing away the evening. One year I realized that maybe just maybe New Year's Eve is the time to reflect on what has happened in the year that is leaving us. Was it a great year or was it just so-so?
It is time for a change if you want that change to happen. Maybe it is to get more organized, that's a biggie. How about losing or should I say releasing that 10 lbs. that has been haunting us for awhile? Someone once said to me don't say lose the weight, release it because if you lose it, you may find it but when you release it, it is GONE! Yeah!! How about working on our attitude, to remain more positive and looking at life as a glass half full not half empty!
I am looking at releasing 10 lbs. in 2017 and I am serious this time. No more excuses! How am I going to do this? I have a helper who is going to be with me during my journey to feeling more healthy and looking more fit. Do you want join me in this venture? Leucine is one of my partners and I am happy that they are on board. Want to know more, visit my website: www.healthyhabitstoday.net, leave your contact information and receive a free healthprint that will help you check out your health profile and what changes need to be made. Also check out the 180 program for weight loss. This is not the miracle of overnight weight loss. Don't we want lasting success? Don't we want products that work? Don't we want real results from real people and their successes? Waiting to hear from you. Join me for some fun when something is lost - WEIGHT!
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
From the writings of Dale Carnegie:
Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are and what you have; it depends solely upon what you think. So start each day by thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for. Your future will depend very largely on the thoughts you think today. So think thoughts of hope and confidence and love and success.
Have a great day and think about this writing. Try it for a week and see how much happier you will be. Let me know what you think about this. Visit my facebook page, www. facebook.com/harrietcole.31
Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are and what you have; it depends solely upon what you think. So start each day by thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for. Your future will depend very largely on the thoughts you think today. So think thoughts of hope and confidence and love and success.
Have a great day and think about this writing. Try it for a week and see how much happier you will be. Let me know what you think about this. Visit my facebook page, www. facebook.com/harrietcole.31
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